The new kreate-a-fighter mode is fun because you can make anything from really cool characters to insanely stupid chatacters. Also the new motor kombat game is very fun and challenging, Mario Kart fans will love it. And I mean EVERY fighter! Every character from the MK series is in Armageddon, including Meat, the zombie with no skin which cameoed in a mi nigame in the original MK. In this game, there is only one fighting style and one weapon for each and every fighter. In the first three dimentional MK game for the GCN, PS2, and X-Box, Mortal Kombat: Dadly Alliance, there were two fighting styles and a weapon per character. The fighting styles are cleaned up in this MK. I definitely wouldn't reccomend it to a beginner MK player and definitely not to one that has never played a fighting game before. This latest installment is like a thank you from the producers to all the fans out there. I've always enjoyed the series ever since I saw it in the arcade when I was five. I primarily bought this game because I'm a mortal kombat nut.